Write or Die Advice

Check out the latest from my Write Or Die Advice articles. If you find my advice helpful, be sure to share it with friends on social media!

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  • 3 Things To Try When Marketing Is Overwhelming
    September was a heavy marketing month for me. With my debut having gone out in the summer and the hardcover coming up in November, I felt the press of time to DO SOMETHING. And so I did. I learned how to use Tiktok, watched tutorials on how to use Canva, sent out innumerable social media blasts, ran a half dozen ad campaigns and more. By the end of it, I was exhausted and feeling pretty ...

More Write or Die Advice:

Crafting A Short Story Series

You can view a tile list of all my Write or Die advice here!

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Warrior. Healer. Olawu.

Becoming a physician was her dream. To save her family, she'll have to give it up. Falling in love, and getting caught in the middle of a war, were not part of her plan.

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