books Reviews
P. J. Leigh  

14 Positive and Powerful Picture Books for Precious Daughters

I’m not sure how many picture books I’ve read in the past decade. The number has to be in the thousands by now, with some resonating more than others. My girls have their favorites (and I do, too!), so I wanted to share some of them. Whether these books serve as a fun escape for them, or a tool of positive reinforcement for me, they’ve been a big hit in my home. So, for the young adventurous girls, the silly story lovers, and those who just need a little reminder that they’re precious, this list is for you.

#1 Of Thee I Sing, Barack Obama

This letter from Barack Obama to his daughters gives me all the feels. The rhythm and history weaved throughout are fantastic.

#2 Hair Love, Matthew A. Cherry

Hair journeys are full of ups and downs, but I am so grateful for this book and its illustrations of unique styles and textures. It’s a great tool for teaching my girls to love their hair.

#3 Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion, Alex T. Smith

Another staple in our house. I love Little Red’s personality. She’s sassy and quick witted and her braiding skills are on point! The cadence of the story is wonderful as well, and both me and my youngest practically know it by heart.

#4 Sail Away Dragon, Barbara Joosse

An adventurous tale about a girl and her dragon friend setting off to a new place. It’s silly and funny and my youngest loves it!

#5 Sulwe, Lupita Nyong’o

I bought this book as a tool to help navigate some significant challenges my daughters were facing with self-image. The illustrations, and the message of value and worth they portray, are beautiful.

#6 Jackie Wins Them All, Fabian E. Ferguson

I love the rhythm of the story and the lesson. Excellence is all well and good, but it’s okay to lose, too.

#7 Cinderella Rex, Christy Webster

This story is a hilarious retelling of Cinderella, prehistoric style. I love the platonic nature of the prince and princess at the end, too. Super cute.

#8 How to Knit A Monster, Annemarie van Haeringen

A spunky lamb grapples with scary creatures, and snoopy sheep, in this silly story about a knitting gone awry.

#9 The Story of Ruby Bridges, Robert Coles

An all time favorite of my oldest, this story introduces the bravery of Ruby Bridges, who integrated an all white school during the volatile times of the segregated south. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to pick it up!

#10 I Just Want To Say Goodnight, Rachel Isadora

An absolute treasure in my house, we’ve read this book more times than I can count. It’s so sweet, and as a parent who’s tried to get her unwilling kids to bed multiple times, it makes made me chuckle every time we read it.

#11 Alma and How She Got Her Name, Juana Martinez-Neal

A charming story about heritage and learning to appreciate our own unique backgrounds.

#12 Jenny Mei is Sad, Tracy Subisak

A great example of how to be a good friend by just being present.

#13 Zonia’s Rain Forest, Juana Martinez-Neal

A great introduction to stewardship and the role we play in how our planet’s resources are managed. I love seeing little girls do big things.

#14 Beautiful, Stacy McAnulty

A celebration of girls of all kinds, be they princesses, pirates, dirty, clean, or anything in between. Lovely book!

This list is just a sampling of some of our favorites, but there are so many great picture books out there. What are some of your favorites?

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